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Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever.

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Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever. Empty Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever.

Post by Stonehouse Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:22 am

Hot off the presses:

Coach Reveno will be doing a live twitter chat TODAY from 2:00-2:30 pm. Tweet questions to @CoachReveno and include the hashtag #BeatTheZags!

Very cool that he's doing this, so let's make sure he gets some good questions!

Also, I leave you with this, from the local Fred Meyer store. Amazing:

Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever. Pilots10
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Registration date : 2007-06-07

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Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever. Empty Re: Rev Tweet Chat TODAY - 2-2:30 PM; Plus: Best. Picture. Ever.

Post by ShipstadPilot11 Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:25 am

It must have been a REALLY cool guy who took that picture.

I bet that if he'd realized how many people would end up seeing it, he would have made an effort not to have a crooked picture.

Number of posts : 901
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Location : P-Town, Oregon
Registration date : 2009-02-17

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